What is MongoDB?Features and how it works

What is MongoDB?Features and how it works

Introduction MongoDB is an open-source, document-oriented database designed to efficiently handle large-scale data. Unlike traditional relational databases that use tables for storage and retrieval, MongoDB stores data in JSON-like documents, making it a NoSQL (Not only SQL) database. Developed and managed by MongoDB, Inc. under the Server Side Public License (SSPL), MongoDB was first released…

How to change WordPress admin login page default URL

How to change WordPress admin login page default URL

The benefits of changing your login page URL WordPress websites all use the same URL structures by default for their pages. For instance, if the domain of your website is www.mysite.com, you can log in by going to www.mysite.com/wp-login or www.mysite.com/wp-admin. The malicious attackers, bots, and hackers are all aware of this. Once they arrive…

How to connect your database with pgAdmin

How to connect your database with pgAdmin

How to use pgAdmin A brief overview & tutorial to connect a PostgreSQL database What is pgAdmin? It’s a very popular open source platform fully dedicated to PostgreSQL and has a graphical user interface administration tools to manage your relational databases. Some features include a query tool for SQL statements and importing/exporting csv files. What’s…