This is a question that I keep getting whenever I ask someone to migrate to us. Why should I move my websites to FlexiCloud Hosting from my present hosting provider? I have a lot of things in mind, but our expertise and our industry experience come first. Then comes the technologies that we combine in our hosting to provide our clients a great hosting experience.

Linux only

FlexiCloud Hosting is a Linux-only hosting provider.  We are fans of Linux and its security features. All our servers are on various Linux variants, mostly CentOS or Ubuntu. All our shared hosting services are in its own chrooted environment, which cannot communicate with other environments. This ensures that even if any website or application is infected, you are at ZERO risk.

We also use a variety of other security features which makes our environment extremely secure – we will be discussing these later in this article.

We are Affordable

We are not a cheap hosting provider. But we are affordable. Because we provide a hassle-free 30-day money back guarantee, you can sign up and try our services at zero risk.

cPanel based Hosting Provider

Our shared hosting platform uses the most popular control panel – cPanel. It is the most popular and very widely accepted control panel, which is not only easy to use but also quite powerful. There are only a few things that you cannot do with cPanel. It’s quite versatile so that you can manage almost all of your hosting through the control panel.

With cPanel you can

  • Install WordPress or other content management system.
  • Set up email accounts, forwarders, and filters.
  • Set up MySQL databases and users, access PHPMyAdmin
  • Generate and download backups
  • install SSL certificates
  • Manage your files
  • Create other websites easily
  • Create FTP accounts easily
  • Manage your DNS

The ease of cPanel makes your hosting management an easy task, as simple as using a webpage.


Cloudlinux can be easily said as a kernel patch which allows us to decide how much CPU and RAM any user can consume. This ensures that no website can take the entire server down, thereby improving the stability of our servers – and your websites.

CloudLinux also comes with a lot of other features. For example, CloudLinux has its own custom PHP which is very well hardened. This is used in all the FlexiCloud Shared servers. We also use its CageFS feature, which helps us to add each user to its own cage which prohibits the user from using other unallocated system binaries and all without consent.

KernelCare is another tool that we use, which is instrumental in deploying the kernel patches that come in often to our operating systems without a reboot.

Advanced hardware

All our servers come with Xeon processors, SSD drives with RAID and at-least 64 GB of ram. We will never compromise on the quality of the hardware that we use.

LiteSpeed Powered

FlexiCloud is powered by a LiteSpeed web server instead of Apache. LiteSpeed comes with a handful of enhancements which further reduces your page load time, provides DDoS protection, QUIC support, HTTP/2 Support and a lot more.

It also supports .htaccess. So your developer does not want to go and find a .htaccess rule converter to find the corresponding rules.

FlexiCloud Hosting is one of the very few cloud hosting companies in India who is offering LiteSpeed hosting in all their plans. LiteSpeed web server comes with an inbuilt caching system for WordPress. It is called Litespeed cache. It is a configurable plugin, which you can download from t cache is considered to be the best caching plugin out there in the market and is quite popular among the WP community.

AI-based firewall

We use an artificial intelligence backed firewall system, which checks the sanity of the IP before allowing it to the server. The AI spider has its legs on all its installed servers and keeps looking for malicious activities from IPs. If any malicious intent is detected, the IP is added to its black/greylist.

If the same IP tries to access a resource in any other server, the intelligence will detect it, and ask it to verify a captcha before proceeding. That way, we are able to cut down a lot of unwanted traffic entering our server.  This tool has helped us to become one of the most trusted managed cloud hosting providers.

Not only does it provide us with an inbound firewall, it has a decent malware detector, honey pot, and a lot other cool features, including a WAF (web application firewall).

Free SSL

Is your Hosting provider charging you for a basic SSL certificate? Move to FlexiCloud Hosting, we provide free domain validation SSL certificates for all websites, including main and subdomains hosted with us.  It’s a COMODO or LetsEncrypt certificate that we are distributing for free.

The only requirement for the SSL is that the site should load from our server. You can switch your site to SSL within 24 hours after you have pointed the site to our servers.

Shared Hosting plans

FlexiCloud Hosting

Plans and Pricing

Guaranteed Backups

We provide 10 day guaranteed backups in case you need to restore your site to an older version. However, we always suggest that you keep a backup of your own, to be safe from any unforeseen issues with storage.

You can download the backup from your cPanel at any point of time. This is instrumental when you face an unforeseen issue with your website like a malware attack. We can always revert to an older version of the site at any point of time.

Your support is fabulous! I have no words to say! countless thanks.

Siddharth Pal

Facebook marketing specialist of Monk Marketers

Free Malware removal

While we keep our security very high, we have seen many sites getting hacked because of two reasons, there was a security hole when they were migrated to FlexiCloud. Or they haven’t updated their websites with the latest updates and left it to be hacked. We have some in length articles on how to protect your sites from hacking and how to keep it secure.

For advanced plans, we provide free malware removal for websites. We keep our servers secure and we find fewer websites getting hacked. However, if your website ever got hacked, raise a ticket and we can fix it for you or try to restore to a recent backup that we have.

Visit Flexicloud to discover more about our comprehensive plans and diverse features, designed to meet all your cloud computing needs