
CyberPanel is a popular server control panel that makes it easy to deploy secure servers running LiteSpeed Web Server. It offers features such as DNS management, email handling, SSL certificate installation, and more. Given its performance and the rising costs of cPanel, CyberPanel has become an attractive alternative for many user.

What is CyberPanel?

CyberPanel is a popular server control panel that makes it easy to deploy secure servers running LiteSpeed Web Server. It offers features such as DNS management, email handling, SSL certificate installation, and more. Given its performance and the rising costs of cPanel, CyberPanel has become an attractive alternative for many users.

CyberPanel is an innovative web hosting control panel designed to simplify server management. Built on top of OpenLiteSpeed and LiteSpeed Enterprise web servers, it provides a user-friendly interface for managing websites, databases, email accounts, and various server functions. CyberPanel supports one-click installations, automatic SSL certificates, and robust security features, making it a powerful choice for web developers and hosting providers.

Key Features of CyberPanel

  • OpenLiteSpeed and LiteSpeed Enterprise Support: CyberPanel is the first open-source control panel to support both OpenLiteSpeed and LiteSpeed Enterprise, ensuring fast and reliable website hosting.
  • Unlimited Domains: Host an unlimited number of domains without any constraints or limitations.
  • ModSecurity and CSF Integration: CyberPanel comes with ModSecurity (a web application firewall) and CSF (ConfigServer Security & Firewall) to protect websites against online attacks.
  • Automatic Backups: Ensure data security and integrity with automatic backup features.
  • PHP Management: Easily configure and update PHP settings with CyberPanel’s PHP management capabilities.
  • FTP Server: Securely transfer files using the included FTP server.
  • API Integration: Automate tasks and integrate with other services seamlessly through CyberPanel’s API.
  • Staging and Cloning Environments: Test and deploy websites effortlessly using staging and cloning environments.
  • One-Click Application Installer: Quickly install popular applications such as WordPress, Joomla, and more with a single click.
  • SSL Management: Simplify the process of obtaining and managing SSL certificates to secure your websites.
  • Email Management: Manage email accounts, forwarders, and autoresponders with ease.
  • DNS Management: Full-featured DNS management for easy configuration of domain name settings.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Intuitive and easy-to-navigate control panel interface, making it accessible for users of all skill levels.
  • Resource Monitoring: Monitor server resources such as CPU, RAM, and disk usage to ensure optimal performance.
  • Docker Manager: Run and manage Docker containers directly from the CyberPanel interface.
  • Git Integration: Deploy websites from Git repositories with built-in Git integration.
  • Multiple PHP Versions: Support for multiple PHP versions, allowing you to run different applications with their required PHP versions on the same server.
  • Security Enhancements: Advanced security features to protect your server and websites from threats.
  • File Manager: Built-in file manager for easy management of your files directly from the control panel.
  • Database Management: Manage databases effortlessly with integrated tools for MySQL and MariaDB.
  • Custom Error Pages: Configure custom error pages to enhance user experience during site errors.
  • Cron Job Scheduler: Easily schedule and manage cron jobs to automate repetitive tasks.

Pros of CyberPanel

  1. Email Hosting:
    • With built-in email hosting capabilities, CyberPanel is an excellent choice for businesses needing comprehensive email solutions. It streamlines email management, making it a versatile tool for both small and medium-sized enterprises.
  2. LiteSpeed Support:
    • The integration with LiteSpeed ensures optimal server performance. This can be especially advantageous if you’re managing multiple websites or applications, as it helps maintain low server load and fast loading times.
  3. Feature-Rich:
    • CyberPanel offers a robust suite of features at no cost, including custom package creation, client logins, and easy management of various server functions. This can be a game-changer if you’re looking to streamline server operations without breaking the bank.
  4. Unlimited Installations:
    • The free version supports unlimited installations, which is ideal if you’re working on multiple projects or managing numerous websites. This feature provides flexibility and scalability for your hosting needs.
  5. Advanced Caching:
    • With LSCache and support for Memcached and Redis, CyberPanel ensures exceptional website performance. If you’re running resource-intensive applications or sites with high traffic, these caching options can significantly enhance speed and efficiency.

Cons of CyberPanel

  1. Usability:
    • Some users may find CyberPanel’s interface and features challenging to navigate initially. If you’re accustomed to other control panels or are new to server management, there might be a bit of a learning curve.
  2. Bugs and Support:
    • While CyberPanel is feature-rich, users have reported occasional bugs. Additionally, support is primarily community-driven through forums and Slack channels, which might not be ideal for those seeking immediate, professional assistance.
  3. Limited Built-in Integration:
    • CyberPanel may not integrate as seamlessly with all third-party applications and services compared to some other control panels. This can be a consideration if you rely heavily on specific tools or custom setups.
  4. Performance Variability:
    • Although CyberPanel supports LiteSpeed, the performance can vary based on server configuration and the specific workloads. Ensuring optimal performance might require additional fine-tuning and maintenance.
  5. Learning Curve for Advanced Features:
    • While basic features are user-friendly, leveraging advanced functionalities and customizations might require more in-depth knowledge or additional resources.

How to Install CyberPanel 

Step 1: Connect to Your Server

Begin by accessing your server through SSH. You need to log in as the root user (sudo access is not sufficient). You should have received the SSH login details from your web hosting provider.

ssh username@server_ip

Step 2: Update System Packages

To ensure your system is up-to-date, execute the following commands based on your operating system:

For Ubuntu

 sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y 

For CentOS, AlmaLinux, or Rocky Linux:

 sudo yum check-update 
sudo yum update

Step 3: Run the Installation Script

Download and execute the CyberPanel installation script with this command. It will initiate the automated installation script, which will prompt you for a few decisions about which version of LiteSpeed and which add-ons you would like to install.

 sh <(curl || wget -O -

If you encounter issues logging in as root, try:

sudo su - -c "sh <(curl -s || wget -O -"

Step 4: Choose Your LiteSpeed Version

During the installation, you’ll be prompted to select the version of LiteSpeed you want:

  1. OpenLiteSpeed: Free and open-source.
  2. LiteSpeed Enterprise: Requires a license. You can obtain a trial license or purchase one. Refer to the LiteSpeed pricing page for more details.

CyberPanel Installer Options:

  • 1: Install CyberPanel with OpenLiteSpeed.
  • 2: Install CyberPanel with LiteSpeed Enterprise.
  • 3: Exit the installer.

If choosing LiteSpeed Enterprise, you will need to input your license key. For a trial license, type TRIAL if this is your first trial.

Step 5: Configure Installation Options

You will be asked to select various installation options:

  • Full Service (default: Y): Includes PowerDNS (DNS server), Postfix (mail transfer agent), and Pure-FTPd (FTP server).
  • Remote MySQL (default: N): Opt to install MySQL on a remote server if desired.
  • CyberPanel Version (default: Latest Version): Choose to install the latest version or a previous release.
  • Password (default: “1234567”): Set a strong admin password for the CyberPanel dashboard.
  • Memcached (default: Y): Select if you want the caching system enabled.
  • Redis (default: Y): Choose to enable this in-memory data structure store.
  • Watchdog (default: Yes): Enable kernel watchdog to monitor and automatically reboot the system if needed.

Step 6: Installation Process

The installation will proceed automatically. This process typically takes 5-10 minutes, depending on your server’s performance.

Step 7: Complete Installation

Once installation is complete, you will see a summary screen with essential details. Save this information securely:


Note: If your hosting provider has a network-level firewall, ensure the following ports are open:

  • CyberPanel: TCP 8090
  • Web Server: TCP 80, TCP 443, UDP 443
  • FTP: TCP 21, TCP 40110-40210
  • Mail Services: TCP 25, TCP 587, TCP 465, TCP 110, TCP 143, TCP 993
  • DNS Services: TCP 53, UDP 53

Step 9: Access CyberPanel

Once installation and server restart are complete, access CyberPanel via:


Username: admin

Password: <Your Password>


Despite its flaws, CyberPanel remains a powerful tool for efficiently managing LiteSpeed Web Servers. It is particularly appealing for its ease of use, speed, and cost-effectiveness. While it may not be the best choice for power users needing extensive support and features, it is an excellent option for those who value simplicity and performance. If CyberPanel's features align with your needs, consider giving it a try.
If you're interested in CyberPanel servers, please contact us via For more information.